Weiner Interviewed

God’s Business School - Joel Weiner

Interview by Michael Slepian October 2024

  • Are you a religious person?

    Judaism is a whole body of experience, customs,
    and knowledge that developed over thousands of
    years. Judaism started from the inspiration that
    there is one God. Building upon that inspiration,
    Jews developed a body of knowledge and code of
    conduct that respects and celebrates the goodness of all humanity and all of nature.

    Jewish culture enriches life’s meaning when you understand the origins and evolution of these cultural practices. I enjoy learning about Judaism, and I try to embrace those Jewish customs that are especially relevant and meaningful in our contemporary society.

  • Why did you write this book? Was it purely as a business venture? This book is meant to do good. It should lead to better business.

    My father used to tell me, “Joel, do you have to learn everything the hard way. Can’t you learn from my experience?” I get it now. I want to pass along wisdom that I’ve learned.

    Jewish cultural norms include how to conduct monetary affairs, in excruciating detail, so that it is impossible to separate good business practices from good moral conduct.

    But look! Our whole society today seems blinded by the pursuit of money. There are too many get-rich-quick schemes and scams. Celebrities, sports stars, and executives base their self-worth upon who makes the most money. We play lotteries and follow stock fads. We’ve made an art out of accounting slight-of-hand and tax avoidance schemes. We don’t respect and build family businesses as much as we should.

    Judaism has succeeded throughout history by honoring continuity, setting good examples, and passing along family traditions. Personally, I wrote this book for my children and grandchildren. So, this book is for my children. But it’s really for everyone!

  • Who should read God’s Business School?
    Anyone and everyone will learn from this book.

    “God’s Business School” draws on prophetic knowledge that has been interpreted and passed through the ages by Jewish sages that explains how to succeed in business. Jewish success stories and quotes from Jewish leaders in business, science and the arts bring this knowledge to life.

    Personal examples exemplify common mistakes and misconceptions. You’ll find these stories humorous and relevant.

    And it’s not just business. Success at work goes hand-in-hand with success at home and in life.

    Christians will enjoy this book too, and people in mixed faith families particularly will appreciate this book. Parallels between Judaism and other religions are explained which will open your hearts to the common values we all share.

  • Is your book just for people in business?
    You don’t have to be in business, nor do you have to be Jewish, to enjoy and get a lot

    out of this book.

    But, CEOs, business owners, and business managers should read this book. It puts so- called “commonsense” business practices on a solid God-based foundation which will deepen your love of business while also guiding you to a better future for your business. Moreover, this book would be great to teach your executive teammates and employees how to excel in business.

    Judaism glorifies work. Work can be any endeavor that does good for other people. Almost everything that we do requires setting goals, leading people, and satisfying customers. Leadership is crucial for lasting success in business as in life.

  • Your book compares science and religion. Why is that important?
    Both science and Judaism attempt to uncover fundamental truths about life. As “God’s

    Business School” explains, there is amazing harmony between these two approaches.

    Science is based upon keen observation of nature. Business, too, requires keen observational skills. Businesses succeed by truly understanding their customers’ needs and desires and creatively bringing products and services to their customers.

    Observing facts carefully; figuring out the “why”; testing hypotheses; and building upon past successes describes science. It also describes business. Each of these fields requires intelligence, creativity, hard work, and even some luck.

  • Who needs this book the most?
    Who doesn’t want money and success? Everyone would benefit from the lessons in

    “God’s Business School”.

    The examples in this book are Jewish, but the lessons are universal. Christians and Muslims would get a lot from this book too. People in interfaith families will appreciate this book as it will teach both the Jewish and non-Jewish partner what we have in common.

  • What was your biggest ah-hah while writing this book?

    To explain something clearly, it’s necessary to understand it well yourself. I had a wonderful business career, but I wish I knew then what I know now. I would have been even more successful.

    Synchronizing Jewish knowledge with business strategy, marketing, leadership and finance principles reinforced for me what really is important in business. The relevance that Jewish principles teach for the modern business practitioner is very relevant and valuable.

    At Wharton I studied the various aspects of business, and we also took an obligatory course in business ethics. All good, but this teaching missed the very foundation of ethics, which our religion makes clear. So, I did not learn ethics with all the power that I could have. “God’s Business School” is unique in uncovering the spiritual foundation of business ethics.

  • Are you concerned the book may play into the hands of religious zealots promoting Jewish stereotypes?

    Hey, even anti-Semites need to make money to take care of their families.

    Everyone will appreciate how life’s fundamental truths are explained with clarity and humor.

    Any reader will be enlightened how success in business depends upon leveraging this knowledge.

    So, if non-Jews and non-religious people read this book, it will reduce anti-Semitism and foster better relations between Jews and other religions.

Joel Weiner is the author of God’s Business School. Joel has had a successful career in management consulting and senior corporate roles. He is a graduate of Drexel University and Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania. (Joel@GodsBusinessSchool.org)

Michael Slepian interviewed Joel for this article. Michael had a successful career in Public Relations and Corporate Communications. He is a graduate of Ithaca College and La Salle University, earning a bachelor’s and a master’s degree respectively. Michael also is a Commander in the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary.


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